Slough of Despond formed around late 1997 in Cap-Pele New Brunswick,Canada.The band idea came together when me and a few highschool friends wanting to play psychedelic doom metal in the vein of Cathedral and early Electric Wizard.Got together and started jamming on original material.In November of 1998 we recorded our first 4 track demo with local friend and musician Claude "Krall" Doiron.In 1999 another recording session was done with just me and drummer Ian Ryan we recorded and mixed this session ourselves.Later these songs were added with the 98 November session and named "November's Grief demos 98-99".Unfortunately Slough of Despond was short lived and never played any shows.there was a show with Necropolis that we were supposed to do but it never happened for us.Not long after this the band fell apart one attempt was made in 2000 to reform but didn't work out.Again in 2007 i took decision to reform the band with new members and new sound,with no avail this was a complete disaster.The band again was booked for a show that we didn't play.therefor it was Doomed to begin with another chapter in Slough of Despond history closed.There is still a myspace site with the early demos up and running,you can find the link here at the bottom of the blog page.This is a video Ian and i edited just a few years ago with scenes of Tales from the Crypt's Demon Knight of our song Dragonslayer!!
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