Monday, April 14, 2014

The Gates of Slumber - Jason McCash R.I.P.

Well its been a week now since the Gates of Slumber lost their brother in Doom bass player Jason McCash. the sadness and loss is still felt strong,I've seen many posts on facebook from the Doom Metal community who have streched arms wide to mourn the loss of a great man and father, who liked his doom metal and swords and sorcery/occult books(i.e.Ron Howard,H.P. Lovecraft)he also liked his sports football in particular. My deepest sympathies go out to his family and friends!! i feel truely blessed as a fan of doom to have seen Gates of Slumber twice in Montreal! once in 2009 and again in 2012( if you wonder what i did in 2012 i was out seeing amazing doom bands!!). The first year i saw the band i met and talked to Karl the singer and guitarist, we sat and drank some beers talked metal a little then they hit the stage and afterwards i went to Jason and told him i was really amazed at the set and that they played real well!
the second time i saw the band again in 2012 i took my video camera to film the show. I arrived at the venue somewhat early. I remember seeing Jason McCash walking back to the venue as i pulled in the street where the venue was located. I think he had went to a store to buy a slushie or something cold to drink if my memory serves me right. The boys kinda joked and giggled like kids as he arrived, saying something like you needed to have a sugar fix before the show huh!? haha I asked them all then if it was okay i take my camera in to film the set and they were all very cool with that.Very nice guys, i talked to Bob Fouts the drummer this time and also Karl. and also talking to Jason felt a bit mysterious and seemed like he had a very shy timid personality and i never really got to know him all to well but i sensed he had a kind heart. And his writing abilities and organizing skills will be sorely missed in the Doom Metal scene. i will leave you all with the video from the show in 2012. Blessed be those who are within grief !!

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