The band sHEAVY formed in St Johns Newfoundland,Canada in 1993 as Green Machine which the band later found out the name was already taken by another band.So they opted for the name sHEAVY instead.It started as a band that played around with some Kyuss covers and a few originals.They recorded two demo tapes Reproduction E.P. & Slaves To Fashion in 94-95 and the Dalas tar 7" also came out in 1995.It was also the same year they recorded Blue Sky Mind.After this they signed a 3 album deal with Rise Above records.It was in the summer of 1997 "The Electric Sleep" album was recorded.The reviews for this album in the UK were saying "the best Black Sabbath album in 25 years." This was a great time for sHEAVY they played at the Dynamo festival in the Netherlands.In 1999 the band recorded "Celestial HiFi" in Ren the drummer's parents workshop.This was a great album with the epic doom anthem "Tales from the Afterburner".And then in 2001 the band found themselves in Alberta,Canada and all the way to Belgium to record "Synchronized" which is another great album with a alot of fast punchy grooves! songs about fast cars and whatnot "Firebird 350" etc.This was the last album with original founder/member Ren Squires who silently stepped back.It took a few years for the band to pick up again, but i saw them play live in 2003 here in Moncton and caught the whole set on VHS.the line-up at this show was a rare one and hasn't really been documented as an official lineup. And then in came Kevin Dominic on drums and Tommy Bolin on guitars then "Republic?" was recorded in 2005 along with a live dvd filmed at the Masonic Temple in Newfoundland.Two years later in 2007 "The Machine that won the war" was released.And amazing concept album based on the science fiction book of the same name.It also came with a live dvd concert which is amazing,In 2009 longtime founder/member Dan Moore resigned from his position as guitarist,but not before leaving a contribution to the album the band was in the works of recording at the moment.In 2010 the band issued to albums ''The Golden Age of Daredevils'' & ''Disfigurine''.The band is still rocking hard and also fans of sHEAVY should check out Dan Moores other band Wizards of Kaos.
The band Tchort were from Toronto,Canada and formed sometime in 1992.This band always stayed obscure and even in Canada they were a rare sight to see.Their sound was pretty much a blend of space stoner cosmic doom with some minute elements of alternative/grunge and traditional metal influences.Something the band was known for is their writing abilities to never use the same riffs in a song to much.So in 1992 the first Tchort demo was recorded entitled "Unwritten Doctrines".Also in the early days the band went with a longer name "Tchort the family mantis" in 1996 they recorded the first full length "Nightside of Eden" under this moniker.2 years later "The heavens are showing the glory of Tchort" came out.The band played extensively live for years even prior to this.It was after 1999 when "Love Metal/Government Issue Rock n' Roll" came out the band started playing shows around here in the maritimes.Each time they came i missed them which kinda irks me but ohh well...what can you do ? haha Anyway discovering this band is something a rather invigorating experience, each time you listen you notice new things you hadn't noticed there before.I still remember when much music used to air the "Handsome Gruesome" video.I have this taped on a vhs tape here somewhere lol. still hoping someone will upload this to youtube one day.Anyway here is the video i made to "Ace of Shrooms" from the Nightside album also check out the myspace page.Should also be noted that this band broke up not long after releasing their last ep "Government Issue Rock n' Roll vol 2" in 2002.The Remaining members Nick, Leslie and Mike went on to form the band The Illuminati.The Illuminati broke up in 2006.Lead singer Eric "Tchort" Couke is know known as Ash Lee Blade and still performs with his 80s style metal band under this name.Also worth checking out!